Saturday, October 9, 2010


wow! lame gler x update blog.. hehe.. sejak futher study nih... lame x update psl ARASHI and all kpop star.. but still ag tgk kdrama tp x sekerap dlu... sbb kne gk fokus stady.. hahaXD (yekew??)

mase 1st week, tym mggu msr... OMG! so much FUN!! lecturer kteorg cool gler! sporting abes~ hehe... dpt knl kwn baru.. then dpt rase dok hostel (not bad hostel kt, we called it villa.. hahaXD) plg lucky... dpt 1 room dgn fara.. tp xdpt ngn mekky..mekky kne 1 bilik dgn seyra~ tp xpela... dsbbkn satu incident, mekky dpt satu blk ngn kteorg... heehe.. dpt sowg adeq.. ^^ sya name dy.. ngee~~~~

pon syioookkk gk.... phase 1... all teory... math, engineering physic,tasawwur n bi.. physic de gk wat experiment... sume lecturer2 yg ajar subjek2 ni pon bes gk.. haha.. sbb dowg pon mcm ok jek ngn kteorg.. hehe... did i mention about..... .. . . . dpt 1 kelas dgn fara... hahaXD xsgka kan... dh la xsgka dy pon g kktm jgk... wut a big suprise actually~ :) kteowg sume dh final for math n physic... so skunk ngh tggu result jek.. hopefully xde la kne repeat sem.. aminnn.. doakn kteorg k?

PHASE TWO = skarang ni laaaaa
phase 2 ni lg bes... ade workshop practise, ade c programming,n electric current.. workshop practise blaja wiring... caye x, aq wat wiring~ haha.. xcaye an... aq pon.. mcm mane la leh wiring.. pastu nyala lak tu lampu2 tu sume, switch pon fungsi orait jek... haha.. c programming lak.. blaja wat program.. mule2 agk blur, sbb xphm sgt pe bnde yg kteorg wat.. tp lame2 dh phm.. hehe...
printf("I have fun at C Programming Class!\t");
ec lak.. hmm.. still cube fhm kn pe yg kteorg tgh blaja... agk blur ble kne psg circuit (mase kelas lab).. tp ble kne wat kire2 agk ok la... huhu...

spnjg kt cni dh de 2 event... dua2 majlis smbutan hari raye... yg 1st antara kktm ledang jek.. yg second open ckit.. de ramai.. hehe... will upload pixcha later ok.. (sbnrnye bnyk pixcha nk share.. hahahaha!!!)

hmmm... life kt cni lak... tiap pagi Isnin de mcm perhimpunan mgguan.. kne wat "taishou" (tah la... tny adeq psl joget2 pagi tu.. dy ckp tu culture jepun.. but i'm still not so sure bout it..) pastu ade kelas bhs jepun.. nihonggo lesson.. student+lecturer same2 blaja.. hehe.. tp stkt ni xpnh join kelas tu.. sbb xde mase.. hehe.. myb later? ;P

hmmm... plg bes! dpt knl ngn seyra, cik ros, fara hazwani, ain, ecah, wani.. hehe.. dowg nih sume bes.. haha.. mcm sbaye kteorg jek rase nye... pssttt.. caye x, fara hazwani tu rupenye adeq kpd mmber sek dlu.. haha...

kngn pahit ::
kne men kuch2 hota hai lak ngn seyra =.="
2 round tu lari.. ish2...

okla... till then.. cukopla smpi cni.. ^^


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