Wednesday, August 17, 2011

dh nak raye dh ni..

huhu... kt mane2 dgr lagu raya jek.. hehe..
meriah x?
kt cni ble mlm2 mst dgr kwn2 bukak lagu raya...
rase mcm budak2 plak... xcited nk raye..

korg excited x???

tak xcited nk raye xcited nk cuti jep.. kekekeke~~

p/s : ari ni ati panas gler!!!!!!! naseb bek ade yong hwa oppa.. dpt gk sejukkn ati ni.. lalalala

Monday, August 8, 2011

kalo kwn jdkkn musuh. . . . .


entry ni lebih psl luahan perasaan je..hmm... kalo kte xbuat slh tbe2 somebody rase kte buat slh... n suddenly jek mrh2.. cmne ek... ape reaction kte??

kalo aq.. hmmm.. diam kn je.. takut and at the same time bengang.. even not my fault anyway...

perangai yg mcm childish gler!!!! eh halo i'm older than u la.. (time2 gini mang ske ngaku da besa)
wat keputusan melulu.. xtentu psl.. lpe kwn2... ingt diri sndiri tu HEBAT sgt!! tu hak aq.. keputusan aq... knape sebok nk wat keputusan bg pihak aq??? yes I'm angry skrng ni.. so what??!!! aq x berhak nk rase mrh???!! aq xde perasaan?? tiap2 manusia dicipta kan dgn nikmat perasaan.... yg membezakan nyer aq xgemar nk tunjuk2 kalo aq mrh... better diam je... nk nanges pn kan korg pedulik hape!!! hahahha!!! (kalo diterus kn ni boleh gler aq... mmg tgh marah btul ni!!!)

i give my mirror incase if u need it~

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

hari ni mendung.. nak hujan ker?

nothing to say much actually...
just gonna shout.... that I...


sng hati!


in cuti2 mood ^^

going to forget everything ever happen here... who know what actually happen here they will know what i'm talking bout ^^

Current mood : HAPPY


  1. I feel fresh!
  2. I feel new =)
  3. My mind doesnt stuck with stupid stuff 
  4. rase mcm nk snyum spnjg mase ^______________^

bkn sbb nk cuti sem, bkn sbb dh nk abes final... 


sbb sy dh tak dibendung dgn mslh yg dlu =)

pesanan penaja : ikhlas kn hati dgn setiap yg berlaku.. dlm mase yg same jgn ikhlas kn je.. yg pntg jgn biarkan tergantung.. walaupun mslh sy msh tergantung tp bkn sy yg menggantungknyer.. plg tdk sy dh cbe slesaikan dgn sebaik mgkin ^^ 

till then.. bye...